Friday night, getting things done: if you're a supporter of @Kawaakibi on @Patreon, then we now have perks, including regular AMAs + membership of our @discord server. Not a member already? You can be in 30 seconds:
If you're wondering what Google was so terrified of @timnitGebru publishing, I got a copy of the paper. Here's my best summary of what it says. Thank you to @emilymbender who coauthored the work for sending it my way.
#WarmData A brief piece on Warm Data. "The way that sense is made is not explicit. The way that sensemaking is often communicated is. This may very well prove to be the most significant obstacle in the current explosion of sensemaking attempts."
Pro tip: install “Toggle JavaScript”. I reckon it’s my most used extension, not just for progressive enhancement stuff, but for also making news sites actually readable:
Apple introduces AirPods Max. Active everything, $550. (Will be interesting to see where these fit in around quality stakes - Apple has never really tried to go high-end there)
"Platforms are the new public space, and subscriptions are the tax we pay to occupy it. This is almost enough to make one nostalgic for transactionality." Lots of great thoughts in this @_reallifemag piece on subscription/loyalty programs by @kneelingbus
The news that Nielsen is making an effort to improve their abysmal data quality to guide ad spend for offline & online channels hits like Fyre Festival for ad tech. They'll need to move mountains to create a tiny fraction of the value they're hinting at.
“We humans think we’re very smart. We know how to build bridges and microprocessors. So what? Do you know how to build a rainforest? An ocean? I didn’t think so. Nobody does. We are destroying things far, far beyond our capacity to create.”
We’ve all been there. A client or coworker shows us this amazing thing they (and maybe their entire team) have worked on for hours or weeks. They are so proud of it. It’s new or maybe it just looks new. They may or may not ask you what you think—but you’re there to experience it. And your brain quietly screams.
I made some updates to my #accessiBe post (additions, no re-writes). The second: Even #accessiBe’s Latest Release is Inaccessible Look at that contrast! Look at those flags (you can only look as they have no alt attributes)! h/t @karlgroves
Human-centered UX practices don't do nearly enough to address trauma, power dynamics, and self-care. In the latest Finding Our Way, @jjg and I get schooled by @vcastillo630 on these subjects and much more. Apple: Website:
Human-centered UX practices don't do nearly enough to address trauma, power dynamics, and self-care. In the latest Finding Our Way, @jjg and I get schooled by @vcastillo630 on these subjects and much more. Apple: Website:
The HTML Design Principles “Priority of Constituencies” section states: “In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity.” 8/20
i think "get your work recognized: write a brag document" is one of the most important blog posts I've written. Building a culture where people encourage each other to track & celebrate their accomplishments is really powerful.
Wow. I’m going to do a little thread on the many levels of awful here. Alt: “get a coronavirus test” page using Google’s reCAPTCHA asking for the site visitor to identify “crosswalks“.
“Google Fonts resources will be redownloaded for every website, regardless it being cached on the CDN. Self-host your fonts for better performance. The old performance argument is not valid anymore.” 👍🏻 Learned this a long time ago from @zachleat ’s work
This got buried earlier this year (story came out just as Covid was breaking in the West), but the invisible ways our digital behaviors contribute to climate change is one of the most important (and increasingly-relevant) issues of this decade - (1/2)
This is unfortunate. I use the @goodreads API to publish my reading list on my personal website. I will likely abandon Goodreads over this, unfortunately.
Great post by @nJim talking about the connection between the content models that drive a site, and the tailored editorial affordances that can make those models easier to manage!
Years back, @webmeadow built this gloriously explainable CKEditor toolbar for one of our clients () — it let them build longform case studies w/embedded structured modules, with the same conventions they'd use to insert images or links.
iPhone 12 Pro Camera Review: Glacier Each year I look forward to Austin Mann's iPhone camera review to see where he went (Glacier National Park, MT). This year is no exception.
The poor, where the e-waste is dumped, suffer unquantifiable and sometimes irreparable damage. Many materials used in mobile devices have carcinogenic properties when mishandled, and in some instances complications like mercury poisoning can arise.
Fairness research in ML remains largely rooted in Western concerns: the injustices, datasets, measurement scales, & legal tenets used. These infrastructures, values, & legal systems cannot be naively generalized to non-Western countries -- @autopoietic
That whole 7 +/- 2 argument for navigation, items in a list, menus, etc., is bunk. Original research paper: Miller talks about abstract concepts (linguistics, chunking) not visible item counts. Anyway, debunking resources: 🔖
That whole 7 +/- 2 argument for navigation, items in a list, menus, etc., is bunk. Original research paper: Miller talks about abstract concepts (linguistics, chunking) not visible item counts. Anyway, debunking resources: 🔖
@blankenship @ChappellTracker Several years ago, I riffed a bit on a new app icon for them with @craigmod, and we were deeply passionate about making this magical Earth bambino the app icon. They didn’t agree, unfortunately.
Have you seen good examples on (native) mobile planning/spec docs? I'm putting together a template along the lines of ones I've used/seen used when doing RFCs (). If there are existing (public) examples, I'd love to point to them.
The most difficult thing for a design executive to accept... that they must be an executive, a business leader, first, and a design leader second.
Powerful feminist voices have been denying trans women’s experiences or painting them as menaces. But we should remember that violence against vulnerable people starts by labelling them as a threat.
More anti cookie banner momentum: Cookie banners are awful. Using inessential cookies is more awful. Cookie banners aren't even necessary or legally required (even in the EU, unless you're using creepy cookies and violating member state regulations).
According to the Quran, ritual prayer - salah - is supposed to "prevent immorality and wrongdoing" - إِن الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر. But that's only if you're doing it right - most of us aren't, and are in denial that it's not working.