Managing the Development of Large Software Systems, by Dr. Winston W. Royce. AKA The Waterfall Paper
How to make better software with systems-thinking
Given the contemporary ambivalent standpoints toward the future of artificial intelligence, recently denoted as the phenomenon of Singularitarianism, Grego
Truth and trust - validity and verification in science
To comprehend the DMA's relevance to us as an independent software company, we read and analyzed it from beginning to end.
Use Loom to record quick videos of your screen and cam. Explain anything clearly and easily – and skip the meeting. An essential tool for hybrid workplaces.
by Jay Graber
The third of a series of three 30 minute videos produced by the American Society for Cybernetics and Change Management Systems, directed by Pille Bunnell, 1998.
There are many hypotheses for science's ultimate word origin. According to Michiel de Vaan, Dutch linguist and Indo-Europeanist, sciō may have its origin in the Proto-Italic language as *skije- or *skijo- meaning "to know", which may originate from Proto-Indo-European language as *skh1-ie, *skh1-io, meaning "to incise". The Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben proposed sciō is a back-formation of nescīre, meaning "to not know, be unfamiliar with", which may derive from Proto-Indo-Eur...
Protomaps is an alternative to Map APIs that you run on your own cloud storage.
Release Notes: How to make self-hosted maps that work everywhere and cost next to nothing • MuckRock
Can we build a better way to build — and maintain — maps? DocumentCloud developer Chris Amico shares his recent work exploring new advances and opportunities when it comes to self-hosting maps.
Remember when you saw the first DALL-E and ChatGPT-texts? How do you feel about them now? Could the same thing happen to AI videos?
…we have a certain partially evolved state of a structure. This state is described by the wholeness: the system of centers, and their relative nesting and degrees of life.
On the work, and being endlessly clever.
Edwin Hutchins combines his background as an anthropologist and an open ocean racing sailor and navigator in this account of how anthropological methods can ...
A visiontype is a prototype of the future, centered on new ideas and the goals an organization wishes to achieve. No one can perfectly predict the future, but a visiontype can align a company around a shared understanding of their goals. DesignMap helps companies craft visiontypes to serve as powerf
Easily make tints and shades that match the output of Chrome DevTools, Sass, Less, and PostCSS.
Shopify's public product taxonomy serves as an open-source, standardized, and global classification of products sold on Shopify. Composed of product categories, attributes, and attribute values, the taxonomy is leveraged across Shopify and is integrated with numerous marketplaces.
It is offered from the perspective of how not to design systems, based on system engineering failures. The primary precept of the treatise is that large complex systems are extremely difficult to design correctly despite best intentions, so care must be taken to design smaller, less-complex systems and to do so with incremental functionality based on close and continual touch with user needs and measures of effectiveness.
AI can be kind of useful, but I'm not sure that a "kind of useful" tool justifies the harm.
A practical guide for user testing your software, so healthcare workers will love it. The guide is based on 6 years of experience user testing Simple, DHIS2, OpenSRP, and other digital health tools.
Pace layers provide many-leveled corrective, stabilizing feedback throughout the system. It is in the contradictions between these layers that civilization finds its surest health. I propose six significant levels of pace and size in a robust and adaptable civilization.
Leveraging ethnographic thinking to increase resonance with stakeholders
In Jack London’s novel, Martin Eden personifies debates still raging over the role and purpose of education in American life
There’s not going to be some new killer app that displaces Google or Facebook or Twitter with a love-powered alternative. But that’s because there shouldn’t be. There should be lots of different, human-scale alternative experiences on the internet that offer up home-cooked, locally-grown, ethically-sourced, code-to-table alternatives to the factory-farmed junk food of the internet. And they should be weird.
Best Practices on Recommendation Systems. Contribute to recommenders-team/recommenders development by creating an account on GitHub.
The latest weather forecasts for the UK and worldwide. Offering weather forecasts up to 14 days in advance, hourly forecasting, weather warnings and more.
Tech and the liberal arts have always been at war. Don’t assume Silicon Valley will win.
In typography/design, ‘sidenotes’ place footnotes/endnotes in the margins for easier reading. I discuss design choices, HTML implementations and their pros/cons.
Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech | Knight First Amendment Institute
A natural language interface for computers. Contribute to KillianLucas/open-interpreter development by creating an account on GitHub.
Next-generation therapeutics to improve brain health. MedRhythms is on a mission to help people living with neurologic injuries and diseases optimize their health and independence.
Uncontrolled corpus composition drives an apparent surge in cognitive distortions
a kind reader reached out about all of my iphone alarms and asked how specifically did I run OCR on my mac. I’m not one to gatekeep, so here’s how you can get yourself a nice local ocr ‘service’ that works in the terminal/CLI/python and costs 0 dollars:
Linguistic relativity holds that your worldview is structured by the language you speak. Is it true? History shines a light
What's different about LLMs versus traditional ML
Explore the timeline of milestones in the history of web design from 1990 to the present day.
While the EU is committed to net-zero emissions, the prevailing approach hinges on maintaining capitalist expansion, raising questions about the viability of a true green transition. The endeavor faces complexities, notably in the context of global competition and the imperative to secure essential raw materials, emphasizing extractive production models.
Elevate your professional style with the Konstella Collection by Toyo Steel. Luxurious briefcases that perfectly blend Japanese design and functionality.
From Ghent’s De Krook to Helsinki’s Oodi, recent civic constructions have shared a vision of the library as a living room for the modern city
As many as 40% of clothes made each year – 60bn garments – are not sold. Experts say tackling such obscene waste will require radical changes in production – and legislation
Don’t fear the future. Shape it to suit your context by taking a proactive look forward through the different lenses of strategic foresight.
My parents came to visit, I took pictures
What knowledge, wisdom, processes and skills are required to elegantly navigate the age of AI and enhanced computational processing?
PDF | This paper is an exploration of a new cybernetic approach to 'power' which is developed in a dialectical fashion out of a respectful response to... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Via Dorian Taylor
Via Dorian Taylor
Farm to Feet is committed to the goal of creating the world’s best wool socks by using an All-American recipe: US Materials, US Manufacturing, and US Workers.
Automatic/Controlled. Automatic (or implicit) mentalizing is a fast-processing unreflective process, calling for little conscious effort or input; whereas controlled mentalization (explicit) is slow, effortful, and demanding of full awareness.[19] In a balanced personality, shifts from automatic to controlled smoothly occur when misunderstandings arise in a conversation or social setting, to put things right.[20] Inability to shift from automatic mentalization can lead to a simplisti...
Dyborg made beautiful dyneema bags. Unfortunately they’re on hiatus.
Hardgraft makes beautiful leather things and stuff.
RT @beep: “Hearts box you in on Twitter. Stars set you free.” — @tressiemcphd,
RT @karenmcgrane: And then, I stopped working, socializing, eating, sleeping—sacrificing everything to watch this video endlessly:
The best digital experience platform ever has launched. Happy birthday, @Dries!
RT @mehdirhasan: Four US airforce drone operators write open letter to Obama calling drones an ISIS 'recruitment tool':
I'm reminded of @iyad_elbaghdadi's call to Stand Up to the Fear Mongers, as relevant today as it was then.
SO GOOD. "I don't want to be the bullshit guy." A discussion between @schneidertobias and @levelsio about living.
RT @brainpicker: “Nourish yourself with grand and austere ideas of beauty that feed the soul… Seek solitude.”
RT @SpoonTamago: Thankful for Friendship: the story of Marimo the cat and Fuku the owl
RT @Dries: launches on Drupal!
RT @iA: Follow the Cursor:
Every bit as good as the original(?) @iA Writer trailer, which introduced me to The Books... Gorgeous work!
ICYMI "A Dummy's Guide to Mapping Daesh" contains some good info — by @Dietoff. cc: @Iyad_ElBaghdadi @JoesiProkopetz
RT @levelsio: Genius
RT @beep: Needed to get a bit of work done this morning, but @jasonsantamaria sent me this master list of Sketch tips and welp
RT @craftui: How exactly do you distinguish between molecules and organisms? Some thoughts after a year of using Atomic Design
RT @TheStudyofWar: Myth 2: #Russia airstrikes target terrorist groups. NO: Fake Russia maps lie re: locations.
@krystynheide @igorvolsky's # is contradicted by data presented by , ,
@krystynheide @igorvolsky's # is contradicted by data presented by , ,
@krystynheide @igorvolsky's # is contradicted by data presented by , ,
RT @ggreenwald: Dear Democrats: read from the @ACLU about the no-fly list you're now disgustingly championing & trying to expand
Current (& future) of education is rendered in HTML. Chromebooks now 50%> of US classroom devices via @BenedictEvans
Just referred to a speaker as a "PRESTIGIOUS content strategist" during a brief. I love my industry cc @karenmcgrane
My favorite singer/songwriter @theBrianFallon is preparing to release a new (his first) solo record. Beautiful.
Lost in the sunny tropic of , I often find myself *really* missing New York City utilitarian,
Lost in the sunny tropic of , I often find myself *really* missing New York City utilitarian,
RT @brainpicker: Two of my favorite men, @sivers and @tferriss, in conversation about confidence, busyness, and having enough
One of the more nutritious, huge nuggets of wisdom gleaned during @sivers' and @tferriss' discussion, see for books.
@VIPickering Relevant:
RT @zeldman: ⇛ Of Patterns and Power: Web Standards Then & Now–fresh at
RT @zeldman: ⇛ Of Patterns and Power: Web Standards Then & Now–fresh at
Beyond excited for @thebrianfallon's Portland show tonight — a welcome respite from a strange & heavy start to 2016.
Today marks three years since Aaron Swartz's death.
RT @karenmcgrane: One of the best things I’ve done is explicitly seek out different perspectives on Twitter. Read this from @bjmay:
@craigmod @DefenseOne "The myth of the ISIS encrypted messaging app" —
RT @craigmod: ☆ The Leica Q — A six month field test:
Championed by @iA in 2006 (), even is eliminating right column noise:
Championed by @iA in 2006 (), even is eliminating right column noise:
The brilliant Leila Janah on Ego and Altruism —
@dcurtis I'm reminded of Nokia's 2011 "Unfollow" advertisement for the wonderful N9 —
RT @brad_frost: Absolutely love these insights from @EvanLovely about how Pattern Lab has improved @phase2's workflow!
Will it survive atrophy longer than Vox dot com? Will its investors be less adverse to sarcasm than Bloomberg? ...
It's 2016. Horse.js is the next trend.
@jonpugh You've probably noticed by now, but just in case — @OpenDevShop's domain () seems to have expired :o
Basecamp on Slack:
Running npm install is the new "my code's compiling".
Developing Design Principles by Luke Wroblewski
Reading Frank Chimero’s stuff for the first time in a long time. Recommended.
“It’s best to identify and do what you’re required and able, then jettison the rest.”
This is exactly how I feel about the Mac SE. And if I could have written Steve Jobs… and he’d written back :O
Whenever I find myself wondering why this place got so terrible and how to put the good back in it, I come back to..
Downloading Material Colors app (OS X only) :: — Looks nifty.
Imbalanced media coverage btwn West victims & West-led violence perpetuates "only others kill innocents" narrative.
As promised, here’s a screenshot of an awful newspaper CMS; clickthrough to see a better one
“Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgements.”
Well looks I'll be diving into these @CodePen patterns for the next...forever.
“Being tired isn’t a badge of honor.” Amen, @jasonfried! ht @ryanessmaker
“The web will be so much better when…” Deep wisdom from @adactio.
As most (all?) things iA does are, iA Dictionary is brilliant.
I redesigned the landing page of . Much better. More will come later, too… #respond16 #AEASEA #aeanash
"One of the greatest tricks the passive person plays on himself or herself is to say, ‘But look how busy I am.’"
@aegirproject It seems that paypal has disabled donating through the link on
#Ace: Pure CSS method to align text left when it wraps, but centre it when it doesn’t: /by @sharmavijay /v @adactio
Fantastic article by @nathanacurtis about working with color in design systems:
After many requests, I finally posted "Do this" - Directives - part 1 :
The future of enterprise design is consumer-grade UX
This piece is long, brutal, and will make you feel uncomfortable. "The smug style in American liberalism"
How to keep your Drupal 6 sites as secure as possible using tools from @mydropwizard:
“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought” Orwell nicely cited in
“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought” Orwell nicely cited in
Um, yeah, I’ll be listening to this: “Modular Design” by @karenmcgrane and @beep
I really like how deeply @allmarkedup thinks about pattern libraries: both who they’re for, and how they’re made.
I (literally) just finished a new post! 🤘 Setting up an a11y dashboard using pa11y & @digitalocean from 0️⃣ to 💯:
Have you seen the video for our new song "Vor í Vaglaskógi"? It's a traditional love poem >
@janchip I’m not sure what Connected Farming is but… Perhaps of interest: — Drupal means great multilingual support.
Excited about the Workflow initiative announced during #DriesNote? Check out the plan at #DrupalCon #Drupal
Imagine the vitriol if Instagram shipped the logo as their new app icon. Why the bifurcation
We’re closing down @sayhi on September 1, 2016, but we’re making a 2"×2" nickel “book” printed with the entire site:
Twitter (finally!) doing a few of the things I wrote about two years ago:
“Be a part of the city.” — @davepell
Noted: bug-a-salt
Tramuntana 'a sublime modern classical record'. Listen:
Autofill: What web devs should know, but don’t. Everything I’ve learned about autofill collected. Hope it helps!
Strangely meditative: Nicely done @marc_dacosta
Ordered a Yoyo light for @cushionapp HQ. I ❤️ all of Andrew Neyer’s lights:
How technology hijacks people’s minds: Very happy to see @tristanharris ideas getting out there. Deeply important.
I ❤️ @getsentry so much.
"Literary magazines are not withering; they are flourishing." by @lucekel
Considerations in Component Design
Fraudulent claims made by IBM about Watson and AI—Roger Schank: “IBM is simply lying now and they need to stop.”
Off Assignment is live and real:
This module is amazing! No need to rsync content files for local development. #drupal #development
#BOA installation and upgrade should be lightning fast, soon! -- #Aegir #Drupal
Peak Minimalism:
#BOA-3.1.0 released -- with @LetsEncrypt, PHP versions per #Drupal site, #PHP 7.0.7 and more. Enjoy! #Aegir
Responsive Product Comparison Tables by @davatron5000
The team is heading to the Pamirs. For delivery in June, please order in the next 24 hours
Barry was my housemate in Al-Bab. Listen to him here: How the Syrian revolt went so horribly, tragically wrong
The Attention Economy << imho we won’t pay to consume, but to recall past consumption, since this is its true value
Thiel vs Gawker: Why a Defensive Media is the Real Threat to Free Speech | Quillette
The Facebook-Loving Farmers of Myanmar by @craigmod, was part of the foundational research
Watch this — Elon Musk’s latest high-level interview —
Interesting approach to testing out ideas. Intrigued to see where you take this @jongold
♛ Instagram to third-party developers: drop dead
@andybudd ?
From the "TMI about my personal life" file. here's Coming Out 2.0: #pridemonth
“Disability is an engine of innovation.”—Microsoft
Promoting a Design System Across Your Products – advice on getting started with eterprise systems, by @nathanacurtis
Yet, there's true potential in a fully decentralized, encrypted web:
“Pattern” by Paul Ford
Laziness in the Time of Responsive Design by @beep #RWD
This talk by @lrnrd on “debugging the tech industry” is very much worth your time. (via @ag_dubs)
A designer's job isn't done until they've considered all the constraints—incl engineering.
“On page SEO is dead. We studied 2M search queries to learn that.”
"The death of Barnes & Noble would be catastrophic."
Why infinite scrolling is probably a bad idea:
The supposed spike in Brits Googling "What is the EU?" after #Brexit was only ~1000 people.
The City of Gothenburg is documenting their journey towards a maintainable component library: Awesome @mikaelsandin!
"The truth about U.S. drone strikes" - my rebuttal to the rebuttals :-) @AJUpFront #realitycheck video, do pls watch
“People obsessed with control have to eventually confront the fact of their own extinction.”
“As a reporter your world is full of data. And those data are full of problems.”
Interview with Yahoo! employee #1
“Englebart explained that immediate learnability should not always be the goal of a[n…] interface.”
This is brilliant. ‘Students used to march against globalisation – now they draw hearts on their face to defend it.’
The Bouroullecs designed a TV.
@destroytoday "Arrive so early that a friend will text you,What R U sixty years old?"
Will the tech industry start caring about more than selfish interests, VCs & exits? Or do we truly not give a shit.
You Don't Need JavaScript:
The history of the URL:
I struggle with the link vs button idea from a design perspective (not from an implementation perspective)
This looks awesome:
♻️ Connectivity is not binary, the network is never neutral.
✎ An epic tutorial on making/maintaining atomic design systems with shiny new Pattern Lab 2.
I love this new colour palette tool! /via @vpieters
A short post with my personal insights on Pattern Lab 2's features and why to use it. #patternlab
Good article on the future of news.
“The summer’s heat was damp and dogged but it didn’t matter—I was a man with steps to acquire.” From the archive:
What if the header was the footer? @SidebarIO redesigns, experiments and breaks the conventions of scrolling—
It's easy to forget how many input types there are and how they affect keyboards on mobile.
So excited about Fractal, @clearleft’s tool for developing, maintaining, and integrating your component libraries:
MULTICHANNEL TEXT PROCESSING by @iA — "Markdown could be our golden gun. If only it looked a little shinier!"
How I draw my calendars:
Longform seems to have slapped up a new gorgeous greyscale design:
We're about a month away from publication of THE BOOK:
Happy to say our site has been nominated for 'Breakthrough of the Year' by @ThirdSector
A note on the team building @outline with me
Topolsky's at it again —
If you prefer quality over cruft to go with your news media diet, you'll appreciate The @Outline.
Desalination is working for Israel. I'd love to see more innovation like this.
P.S. this is the best case study ever written about taxonomy, reading it is very soothing.
If you're looking to download YouTube videos, youtube-dl is pretty amazing:
Why focusing on a few products is hard
I did a Q&A with @nkulw at @Recode and it was a dream come true
.@newyorker: "subscription-based journalism... is rapidly becoming financially viable" #2MA
Keep earning your title, or it expires :
"It is time for the United States to speak the language that Mr. Assad and Mr. Putin understand." #WishfulThinking
I love this story of a dad being intentional about the lessons he teaches his daughter. (via @dwaldron)
Facebook to websites: stop clickbait headlines -- or else via @CNNMoney
“Don’t use hover as the primary action to trigger anything essential…” — @jordanstaniscia
The Intrinsic Economy by @Grant27 Not sure of the full title, but interesting read.
Buttons shouldn't have a hand cursor. Some interesting points to consider ~
Learn about Bloom filters and an amusing story to boot.
RT @Blendle: "Is America really great?" — @tejucole on racial tension in today's #LunchwiththeFT
Researching Design Systems by @danielmall:
Are you #Aegir #BOA user? Learn how to participate in the #BOA #docs rewrite effort: #Drupal
If you’ve ever wondered how we roll at @studio_d_rad, read this piece by @jessiwrites on our Saudi work:
And yes, forthcoming: The Field Study Handbook, condenses 15 years of hard lessons.
@dcurtis I thought that at first, but reading @RyanHoliday "Trust me, I'm Lying" changed my mind. Also this:
A really nice look at React and the problems it's trying to solve
Blockbuster undercover prison report cost @motherjones $350k to produce, brought in $5k advertising. Support them:
This is is trillion with a t
I gave up arguing against pull quotes on the web years ago and support @adactio's quest to understand their purpose
~@metafizzyco Flickity is by far the best slider I’ve used. So simple, doesn’t need dependencies & customizable 🔝💯
Design outside the rectangle. Great talk by @jensimmons.
@chapter_three Your HTTPS Certificate is broken on ! :o
This is how you resist arrest
I've tweeted at a few products guilty of "Shit Loop #2" before. Thanks @azumbrunnen_ for articulating it far better.
“it is the functioning toward the goal which is important.”
@brad_frost Rome is pretty nice.
@brad_frost Don’t exactly know what you are looking for, but there is this:
"People mostly want to feel seen and heard" and other things @coreycaitlin learned.
Digging these "hand forged" garden clippers:
“Fill your archaic headphone connector with aluminium and plug into the future.”
US religion is worth $1.2T/year, more than America's 10 biggest tech companies, combined
Another great thing about is that it's a wonderful creative exercise. Progressive enhancement gets you to *think*.
Did Hitler have good designers? Does design have a duty to be good?
Starting at 6 minutes, Brandon Marshall talks about mental health & fitness, therapy, and black-and-white thinking —
This. “Three years ago, I would say: You. But right now, I don’t know.”
OMG I'm in love #codepen #aeaorl
$settings['hash_salt'] = 'some_random_string';
if you're a Christian and support Donald Trump, I hope you'll read this thing I wrote and reconsider
There’s a new bar for typeface websites: Damn, @grillitype. 👏
@beep @wilto OMG FANCY BEAR
@iA @Medium or is an imposter?
a nice straightforward guide to contributing to a project on GitHub
Dalai Lama: Behind Our Anxiety, the Fear of Being Unneeded
RT @hale_a: Sometime all too soon, the entire programmatic infrastructure that underpins independent pubs is going to fall apart
The $13 Billion Zipper Wars
The role of spice as driver for early globalisation Excerpt of new book by @stevenbjohnson
Fake news exists because people want it. Yes. Facebook is a platform to amplify it. Yes. C’est la vie? No.
Realizing the election has turned me into a "manic information addict." Now looking for a way back to balance.
✨AHH SO excited to join the AEA fam in 2017✨ I even get a discount code!: AEAUNA for $100 off any 2 or 3-day event
“How the Web Became Unreadable” by @kevinmarks
is 9 years old today 🎂 🎉
Want to reduce racial bias? Don't call someone a racist.
82% of middle-schoolers couldn’t tell the difference between a news article and an ad labeled “sponsored content.”
WE DID IT! @MarkKnopfler @John_Illsley via @youtube
What do people agree by convention and what is the truth? There is a consensus of things for people to be true maybe its right and
The developing world doesn't want your used clothing
The Link Trail by Path #Drupal module makes building nav content with Views (almost) practical. Thanks @Drupol!
Thanks to the @A11YProject for continuing to be an awesome reference for web developer accessibility guidelines.
“Will you go alone, or shall we go together?” @frank_chimero on independence, loneliness, and creative hunger.
I just published "Is JavaScript more fragile?"
[31] The Outline *is* insane. BUT! It reminds me SO MUCH of the web in 2000 that I can’t help but love its insanity:
Inside Down Street station with its maroon colour scheme
Ok, now *this* is my new favorite website:
1000 True Fans (updated) More relevant today, than when it was first written in 2008. By @kevin2kelly
I just published “Fabulous macOS Tips & Tricks”
I can't stop reading @adactio's beautifully written and surprisingly awe-inspiring (and free!) Resilient Web Design.
@adactio whoa jeremy WHAT are you doing with permalinks, you wizard you e.g.
@beep I am standing on the shoulders of wizards:
New Report: Mobile Money in Zimbabwe:
To RT-loving "Leftists", read this and wake the fuck up. via @im_PULSE cc @YourAnonCentral
"When they go low, we go home". Very powerful Leon Wieseltier on Aleppo and moral bancruptcy of Obama administration
Watch @rivalconsoles incredible @boilerroomtv set from earlier this year
30 years later, photos emerge from the aftermath of the Hama massacre
"It was on 30 December 2013 that nine members of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth were arrested by security forces."
"It takes willful blindness not to see the parallels between the rise of fascism & our current political nightmare."
Quick post about what I feel is the most important thing to master in order to communicate effectively.
Sad that serious journalists had to waste time debunking lies disseminated by Kremlin propagandists at Russia Today
It's official! Physical Grain is now live! #filmisnotdead #beliveinfilm
The organization of the Drupal community brings people together, discourages hate, and promotes democracy
Before and after photos of Aleppo show the effects of the Syrian Civil War
I just published “STORIES FROM HAVANA”
A glimpse of how #Syria Rebellious Women were working & helping n #Aleppo despite many layers of suppression: Pledge
Gotta say, once per year it’s good reflect on what just flew by: End of Year Report:
Tracing outcomes such as new products, patents, organisations back to their source:
Love this list for ultralight packing. I'll be ordering a bunch of stuff from this list.
Some easy and inexpensive options for migrating to HTTPS if you have little or no control over your website server:
I just published “That new MacBook Pro with TouchID”
Not teaching internet/media literacy to kids is a solid way to undermine democracy
Official, stable URLs for latest ADB & Fastboot, compiled by Google. No more XDAForums. You're welcome. /cc @jduck
Touch bar for minimalists — some tips to make the touch bar feel less burdensome:
O&G charts development demo
That Time I Turned a Routine Traffic Ticket into the Constitutional Trial of the Century | Public Discourse
★ Fresh at : Streaming suicide and other design decisions
Why Donald Trump's pro-Assad rhetoric won't end Syria's turmoil by @mazmhussain
Birth control, $15/mo without insurance / doctor visit, delivered to your door; use "tinyhands" code for $45 credit:
Lazy Thinking: Modularity Always Works. Lessons from the Project Ara counterexample:
Rachel’s article about a new CSS property to replace the clearfix hack: Please READ TODAY to suggest a new name!
New from me: When rebel Aleppo fell, it fell hard. How Syria's rebels answer "why" will determine what comes next.
How Did the Opposition Respond to Russia's Proposal for a New Syrian Constitution? #Syria via @observesyria
A (much) improved Sublime Text icon: A (much) improved Sublime Text theme: cc @sublimehq
A (much) improved Sublime Text icon: A (much) improved Sublime Text theme: cc @sublimehq
"Make a place to sit down. Sit down. Be quiet. You must depend upon affection, reading, knowledge, skill..."
How Uniqlo killed Japanese street fashion. Japanese Street Style Magazine FRUiTS to Shutter Citing Lack of Cool Kids
Advertising's existential risk, and why we're ready to pay. Loved my interview w/ @karaswisher! via @Recode
“Typography for Developers”
A quick post about using viewport units for vertical spacing: bonus: I’m in @beep’s site code pretending I know why
Modular, parametric, and mind-blowing: Decovar, @dberlow’s variable font for @googlefonts.
Everything I know about variable fonts I learned from reading a transcript of my own podcast
How To Sew a Button on a Shirt, Coat or Jacket
This is why I love my Aldens... Spend the Money for the Good Boots, and Wear Them Forever, via @nytimes
Tesla is now claiming 35% battery cost reduction at ‘Gigafactory 1’ – hinting at breakthrough cost below $125/kWh
FillPDF Service
Pizza + Tokyo = pizza heaven; I wrote up a few of my notes:
"Before 1979, few — if any — US military personnel died in the Middle East. Few have died anywhere else since."
I made a Google Map of a few of the best cafes / restos in Daikanyama — take a peek:
State Of The Media: By @tomcritchlow
Big big news: “Annotation is now a web standard”
A cognitive bias cheat sheet: the four conundrums that lead to all biases
A very long, very valuable namedrop: #webdesign, etc.
CSS doesn't suck, but if you need to power through some cross-browser bug fixing, here's an appropriate soundtrack —
‘We have now repaired the ability to update the service health dashboard’ #progress
RT @marioatlp: AWS S3 is down... so half the internet is not available including ironically...
Compare with 😆
Compare with 😆
RT @janchip: 2/ Twenty chapters! From pitching field work, to making an impact. The full TOC here:
@BeanzieTM @iyad_elbaghdadi
“belief in own moral superiority renders them unconcerned with reality.”
I got interviewed with one of my business partners at @anchour!
RT @janchip: The Correspondent A refreshing take on long-form news:
RT @janchip: The Correspondent A refreshing take on long-form news:
I can't recommend enough for domain registration and management. The. Best.
A wonderful notebook:
Paragraphs vs Entity Embed vs Panelizer vs..
Stars stink. I agree.
Intellectual Humility increases tolerance, improves decision-making Love this.
This gets to some bone-deep bewilderment and hurt
Why does Daniel Burka @dburka believe that design can be the scientific method for businesses? Watch 👉
RT @lwoodhouse: Trump's killed so many civilians in Iraq & Syria that @airwars, which tracks civilian deaths in region, cant keep up
RT @ggreenwald: Trump’s War on Terror Has Quickly Become as Barbaric and Savage as He Promised
"First do it, then do it right, then do it better." Great advice from @addyosmani
RT @dburka: My full hour-long interview with @highrespodcast was just published. Real talk on focusing design on hard problems:
@CAldenJacobs Bricks Revisions is here! Part of starting from 8.x-1.3!
De Correspondent is coming to the U.S.! As a subscriber, I can't applaud their commitment to great journalism enough
The common dangers of monopolies…
Is it possible to give karma on twitter? Regardless @webchick deserves some for this:
“Why Bargain Travel Sites May No Longer Be Bargains” by @GarrDoug
“We have been viewing nature like a machine. That is a pity because trees are badly misunderstood.”
I don't know how I stayed sane before discovering Magnet window management for macOS
Also: Yoink, a drag & drop assistant for macOS
I’ll be speaking about designing for reading and writing, screen and paper, at Papiersaal Zürich, this evening.
If you want to find the actual upload time use this handy tool from Amnesty which also helps you find duplicates 3/3
“Human ignorance is more fundamental and more consequential than the illusion of understanding.”
Metadata makes it happen: Responsive design podcast w/ @storyneedle @RWD #rwd
U.S. Bombs, Destroys Khorasan Group Stronghold in Afghanistan > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
Official DoD press release incorrectly claims ISIS Wilayat Khorasan is "also known as Khorasan group."
This article by Olivier Roy is by far the best, most enlightening thing that I've read on radicalisation.
RT @Pinboard: “Asking computer nerds to design social software is like hiring a Mormon bartender.” This is a rant I wrote in 2011:
PSA — the Disable HTML5 Autoplay Chrome extension turns web browsing into a gloriously quiet library:
Love hearing about the backstory behind designers. Podcast with Alex Valdman, Rapha: #50mins
@jon @aarondfrancis @jareddipane Yes. It also works great over wifi if you have the app installed on your phone
The muji hut — ~$30,000 coming fall 2017
New post: Stop talking, start listening #ux #design
Some very good points. “I’m a woman in tech, and this is what I want in a company” by @LeighaNotLeia
RT @craigmod: Jimmy Wales, take my damn money! (if you can get your website to stay up ...)
Obama: “The internet, in some ways, has accelerated the sense of people having entirely separate conversations.”
RT @reichenstein: Life is struggle, ideology is death. “…the best way to combat hateful speech is through counter-speech…and debate.”
Dear friends: This is a thank you message. It is also a proposal for a partnership to build something big.
: Study finds gender bias in open-source programming.
: Study finds gender bias in open-source programming.
Hello, I'm Nick, I am a freelancer. This is my new portfolio: please tell your friends
RT @CAldenJacobs: @craigmod and @janchip had a conversation about publishing, and they want us to listen in!
"Goodbye, weird emoji that look like thumb people"
My periodic reminder that The Web is a Customer Service Medium by @ftrain is something everyone should read.
Using CSS Custom Properties per-element (not at :root) to write cleaner CSS:
Mag @OffAssignment has a great series — Letter to a Stranger. Here's mine, to a dude in sandals, a long time ago:
Gut bacteria linked to the formation of brain blood vessel lesions which can cause strokes and seizures.
Transferwise just launched borderless accounts:
“The hourglass is priced at $12,000”
"Basic income is venture capital for the people"
If cables could listen, what would they hear? Really beautiful work from @stamen
Halide feels like the Leica of iPhone camera apps
RT @tomcritchlow: This is an amazing reading list for those in digital media: if you liked my state of content deck you'll love this
That new alt-J album is 🔥 🔥 🔥
A heart-breaking piece; #Egypt is in dire shape. Yet how I wish I could go back?
@danrubin If you're looking for frames, check out
Inclusive Design Principles—intended to give a broad approach to inclusive design to everyone who builds Web sites
Instagram has a credibility problem; almost as bad as the current POTUS. #sponcon
The Human Side of Autonomous Cars: The work of Nissan’s @melcef who’ll keynote @epicpeople_org this year.
RT @iA: Roger Ailes: ‘The news is like a ship. If you take hands off the wheel, it pulls hard to the left.’
RT @outline: Amazon is buying Whole Foods. The path to world domination continues.
What the studio has been/is up to: Who knew?
Public by @enigma_data connects people to data, to the facts and to the truth.
Gizra's new(ish) homepage iteration is fantastic. Shades of vintage content-focused design.…
If you're into design system stuff, you should 100% preorder @craftui's book:
Must-read: "A day without Javascript" —
RT @reichenstein: When Goldman Sachs puts so much energy into explaining blockchain, then…?
RT @jensimmons: The genius @rachelandrew just dropped an article on why we don’t need layout frameworks anymore, what to do instead:
RT @ozzydidact: “We aren’t witnessing the return of the paradigm championed by right wing populists — we are witnessing its death.”
RT @rachelandrew: A huge set of Grid docs I created for @MozDevNet starts here #aeadc
🤔 measuring a kitchen shouldn't be this, at all 🤔 → app by…
The self is not a stable thing – it creates itself every time it chooses to pay attention.
YES to @johnmaeda's Four Rules
Technical fabrics (including Schoeller) made for women
The first full review of the Handbook. What does a practitioner, @thoy make of it?
@druconfessions @Dries @gdemet @DrupalAssoc FFS, what do you think you're doing? Stop. Consider this aimed at you:
For the teams currently conducing money practices research in Myanmar. Surprisingly still fresh: cc @studio_d_rad
What if Jan Chipchase has actually written a self-help book?
Be Brave!
(if you want to feel like you're living in a VR SF novel, follow cryptocurrency activity)
“There can be no ‘mind over matter’ when we understand that mind is matter…” and matter is in mind.
RT @codinghorror: Fun DIY experiment with a single solar panel:
(Ghost 1.0)
And now the #Drupal 8 Layout Discovery is stable! Good news for contrib like Panels and a foundation future core UIs
“Haid is tall and slender with both a head- and beard-bun.”
P&G cut digital ad spending by $140m last quarter. No impact on revenue. [Via @BenedictEvans' weekly newsletter]
RT @fox: A follow up to the thread about the cost of activism. “Women will never advance doing community work”.
(Patreon, an incredible service, only becoming more important and impactful by the day)
(“All screen activities are linked to less happiness, and all nonscreen activities are linked to more happiness.”)
(“I know a poem is done when I can identify three distinct pleasures: linguistic, emotional and intellectual.)”
Faszinierend: Why Everyone Missed the Most Mind-Blowing Feature of Cryptocurrency
More on YouTube's out of control anti-ISIS campaign
on the increasing convergence of right and left
How chess and Brandon Marshall prepped Jets' Dexter McDougle for possible breakout year (via @darrylslater)
Why we terminated Daily Stormer.
Lovely essay by @craigmod that explores the twists and turns of making a beautiful book.
Technology evolves from raw, to complex, to simple. From fist, to hand axe, to hammer. Where is iA Writer today?
@iA Have you read Eames' banana leaf parable?
("There is nothing more human, more natural, more fundamental to our freedom than transporting ourselves by foot.")
RT @craigmod: (a website, viewable only if you are offline 👏👏👏 )
How hip-hop is introducing children to coding and technology via @theeconomist #music #tech…
Eureka: How @Outlier co-founder @abe1x launched a brand that’s creating the future of clothing
“using a foreign language gives people some emotional distance…that allowed them to take the more utilitarian action”
Herbie Hancock: “There are no mistakes, just chances to improvise.”
"it’s just as unconscionable when we’re the ones complicit in war crimes" - #mustread on Yemen by @NickKristof
How about a collaborative iA Writer for Web?
The “About Us” Page of Every Digital Media Agency - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
This story of her building a single engine airplane at 14 reminded me of that article I read abt young @addyosmani
Summer's over, back on my bullshit...
A great writeup on dealing with mental health issues through organising and habits. ❤️ @ctrlaltjustine.
I know it’s not exactly humble to say so, but I’m rather proud of the resource and the design. #csstdg4e
About “the fear of forgetting the pieces to solve the puzzle, the worry of putting them together all wrong”
(hard to imagine much of the goodness of the web today existing without A List Apart. Backed. (Patron'd?))
This was good
“Stop pretending you really know what AI is”
“… better or worse off when a 12-year-old can access [all] human sexuality down to every misogynist fantasy?”
Exactly 2 years ago I wrote a post on "Why I left the job in the world" I'm amazed to have had the opportunity to..
I'm reminded of @moia's prescient talk on the design of the Nokia N9:
RT @moia: I would have studied the #N9 harder #iphonex #wewouldsaythat #betternotjustdifferent #nokia #revisionist #anyway
Context around Putting Thought Into Things:
Find your design inspiration in nature and architecture—not in Apple’s or your competitor’s digital products.
“Organisations are increasingly putting visceral experience at the heart of how people learn” #ethnography #mrx
“They argue it'll hurt user experience and campaign targeting…”
A pretty fascinating read on the technicalities of Face ID and other biometric security precautions.
RT @studio_d_rad: We’ve broken down all the numbers behind our recent Kickstarter:
All of my writing is now accessible here → . I might have fixed two bugs in the meantime and introduced one, whoops!
“Words and the design process” by @bizsanford
Here’s the transcript of a talk I’ve been giving this year on technology, the web, and asking questions:
Great video review of the Apple Watch 3 “Edition” from @HODINKEE -
My next #AskPreethi question answered: "What programming language should I pick?"
How @Bellingcat geolocated the site of a mass execution by a commander in General Haftar's army #Libya #ICC
Cambridge evening soundtrack @nstructionco
Listen to Revisionist Radio by Construction #np on #SoundCloud
The new Wes Anderson trailer looks 🐶🙌❤️:
RT @iam_preethi: I wrote a post on how Ethereum works, explaining core components: State, accounts, transactions, blocks, gas, mining
There's a burnout epidemic. Is it time to start micro-dosing at work? -
Blog post: Drupal looking to adopt React
(fog appreciation society)
Drupal 8.4.0 with stable media+layout APIs, workflows, inline errors, date range support and various fixes available
I wrote about all of the things that #drupal governance will impact - including your community safety.
More officers die of suicide than die of shootings and traffic accidents combined. Commentary:
My top ten political books starter pack. No Chomsky or Huntington. Don’t @ me.
Ebooks on the blockchain?
Thank you @alexismadrigal for wrapping your head around this:
“The self doubt will never go away, but staying humble is the key to growth…”
Are Smartphones The Cigarettes of Our Generation?
Excited about the new Google Calendar! 🎉
(Sam Winston, darkness visible)
The Tragic Legacy of Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently
A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, the Worse You Feel
This will probably change how you feel about a requirement for cash bail.
Now this is how you start a column about Richard Spencer:
Confused about what's happening in Kurdistan? My piece with @NadineDahan for @MiddleEastEye will help you out
The Mobile Photography Workflow Solution: Fstoppers Reviews the 12.9-Inch Apple iPad Pro | Fstoppers
10-years ago me struggled with negatives, scanners, printers… Now me grabs #iPadPro and edits photos with glee.
That's why our team at @spatie_be created a small and beautiful site to lookup dns info!
I really love this book. A must read for anyone working on design systems. Fantastic work @craftui.
🔥🔥🔥 “The Meaning of AMP”
Example of a pattern that’s both annoying and useless? .6% use social media buttons on desktop, only .2% on mobile.
The @bovacademy looks intriguing—somewhere between a bootcamp (but more involved) and a degree (but much cheaper)
#Drupal Layout icons can be dynamically generated in in 8.5.x!
Lando is a (great) "open source, cross-platform, local development environment and DevOps tool built on Docker".
“One Bitcoin Transaction Now Uses as Much Energy as Your House in a Week” 😳
(in case you wanted to play with the model 3's touchscreen interface)
Not every article needs a picture. True.
Exemplar reporting, on the IS exodus from Raqqa.
”can an ethically-minded non-profit win the browser wars?” It’s worth a try.
First stable #release available for #drupal8 #module bg_image_formatter (8.x-1.0)! More info:
This AI Bot That Messes With Email Scammers As Long As Possible Is Brilliant
A closer look at Google Calendar’s new design – Noteworthy — The Journal Blog
It was a struggle to hit publish, but here it is:
The relationship between design deliverables and presentation skills
10 years! Congratulations, @SpoonTamago
In search of the perfect writing font:
For those interested:
How Elon Musk Learns Faster And Better Than Everyone Else
THEN: Google forking WebKit NOW: Google forking Swift (Inquiring minds edition.)
‘Marko Ahtisaari on AI music party tricks, and how music could take the place of drugs’ on #SoundCloud #np cc @moia
2017 will be the 13th year of @24ways. Our archives becoming a history of thinking about and building the web
8000 premium icons for your next project -
Video: Point of Sale (POS) for Drupal Commerce 2 -
GrowBio is live! This feels big.
Passed 500 resources on 🎉
A population breakdown of Canada, by province and major cities. (source: )
“Everyone wants love. And no one wants to admit it.”
Wrote a post on "Fundamental Challenges with Public Blockchains"
Zyper thinks 'micro influencers' are the future of online advertising by @sohear
moves from Oracle Fatwire to Drupal 8. Chapter Three made it happen. #drupal8
@tedbow @ksFatima Yes, there's a sandbox:
This is a college project of mine: My life mantra was: "Sleep Less & Travel More" I'm no…
@CAldenJacobs :P It was for my Mom! I stopped blogging but I kept travel writing:
I'm not entirely sure that losing feeling in my toes or witnessing my father almost pass out…
File under: terrifying
Why do some people not drink? It's none of your damn business, by @picardonhealth via…
Day 19: Want to Break Out of Comparison Syndrome? Do a Media Detox, by Denise Jacobs @denisejacobs
Future sites.
Future site, part 2.
(wonderful writeup on how Google is using data to create the best maps in the world: )
When you have too many great design ideas and you can’t just choose one of them …
Woot! New @DrupalEasy podcast with @jrockowitz talking about the #drupal Webform module:
✎ New post: "How to Scope Work."
Mr. @johndhobart on using AI—and rapidly advancing tech in general—for good
Studio D 2017 End of Year Report
Interview with CBN, and A few thoughts on a post-literate society: (Chinese)
RT @brainpicker: The word "scientist" was coined for Scottish mathematician Mary Somerville, born on this day in 1780
Btw I'll be using this as a loose todo list, so if you're in the mood for some 2017 cleanup, join in!
Do you really need a homepage link on your site’s navigation? Let's investigate:
@Dries @hook42inc Antonio De Marco’s talk from DrupalCon Vienna has a live demo
Retour au browser.
Here we go. First old school blog entry in years.
Wrote about what I've been up to at work recently. "ECS ChatOps with CodePipeline and Slack"
Truncation is not a content strate
New blog design is done (for now)! And a second meta post has been posted: #newwwyear
@sleepy_keita For the current models.
RT @tomwarren: IA writer is coming to Windows. That's worth backing on Kickstarter
"Every artist feels himself at odds with modern civilization." Superb read.
Web Trend Map 2018 (Don't get too excited):
Jamila Woods' work/art is so important.
Rest in peace, @textism.
My answer to What are the difference between the Norwegian and the Saudi oil economy?
Install Solr 7 for #Drupal 8 Search API on #Ubuntu 16.04
How to discern humans from bots and feeds:
@eli_schiff With R one can find out anyway. It can be hidden. There is a lot of room for im…
Designing a Remote Project by @suzehaworth
I've long said that I'm "probably undiagnosed ADHD". This article nails my functioning with precision:
Brains vs. bubbleland — Read @Joi
My life just changed; this is exactly the screen capture app I've been needing
RT @craigmod: A beautiful masterclass in self-delusional pessimism from 1995:
RT @dburka: So much timely advice: "The 9 Rules of Design Research" by @mulegirl is full of gold. Read each one twice. A++
Automated testing using @BehatPHP with Mink and @Drupal extension, @drupalcon
...and if you liked that, you'll appreciate this visual introduction to machine learning, from @r2d3us.
Maintain your brand ... or give your customer what they want? Decisions, decisions.
"The dot is where ill-gotten attention is laundered into legitimate-seeming engagement."
Using Sub-profiles and Build Tools to Start Your Next Drupal 8 Project - #drupal
“The Artist is no other than he who unlearns what he has learned, in order to know himself.”
#Drupal and #Docker the easy way with #Lando
Verifying myself: I am caldenjacobs on . Y0iY9YSSVRhV8d1fVRKTcwBIrXDZnHBZpHHA /
Verifying myself: I am caldenjacobs on . Y0iY9YSSVRhV8d1fVRKTcwBIrXDZnHBZpHHA /
on a Chris Newman tweet run tonight bc he's not the farmer we deserve, he's the farmer we need
Paul Ford ⛈️ "Bitcoin Is Ridiculous."
Scroll all the way down to see some of @designsponge's recommended tools in this interview. Some real gems:
I made a @BURTSBEES lip balm out of #css on @codepen 💄
My favorite coffee place just around the corner in Tokyo. Some of the finest espresso I’ve had…
Paul Ford slays more giants
RT @Ghonim: Egypt’s revolution, My life, and My Broken Soul:
Sent this out on the mailing list, and received so much feedback. Seems to have hit a (filter bubble) sweet spot.
“Software engineers continue to treat safety and ethics as specialities, rather than the foundations of all design”
“Component Examples” — @nathanacurtis
How much did #Drupal security release made you nervous? You might want to support @alexpott's read-only site idea :)
Let's ditch passive consumption while we're at it 👏
More secure, faster DNS:
Hey! I wrote a post about creating design systems that can serve wildly different brands:
RT @evaferreira92: New accessibility tools on Chrome!
Is it time to think twice about all those vitamins you’re taking? via @khnews
"On coming to terms with my lack of formal education." @rachelandrew on @thepastrybox.
Portland Dry Goods
@practicingdev This: . Time is flowing. How will you use it? To beat yourself up about how…
Some time in the past 2 years I became a pencil person (don't write/sketch with anything else). Current fav:
More goodies today: @AWWWARDS posted video of my Everything Easy is Hard Again talk:
“A Website is a Thing, and Other Lies Businesses Believe” — @blankenship
A few simple suggestions to make the hardware Kindle less complicated, a little more intuitive:
Nervous - a new @nstructionco track, up on #SoundCloud. Recorded at @nervous_system. Enjoy!
renderkit 7.x-1.4 exposes Display suite fields as EntityDisplay plugins! #cfrplugin #Drupal
Are you a UX writer ready to showcase your work? Here's some smart, comprehensive advice.
Whoa, SmugMug bought Flickr.
If we valued black art, Kendrick Lamar’s Pulitzer would have been for literature
Let's get to the bottom of how HTTPS works. A cute, detailed little guide. (via…
These are awesome!!! Thank you @dnsimple
These are awesome!!! Thank you @dnsimple
Mapbox hires former Tesla Autopilot designer Brennan Boblett to rethink driverless-car maps
Ep. 005: Twenty years of with @jkottke:
Ep. 005: Twenty years of with @jkottke:
Print Stylesheets in 2018. What we can do, plus things we really ought to be able to do, but can't.
Using Drupal Console to manage your RESTful endpoints #Drupal
My goodness. @wilto launches his new food blog, featuring a gorgeous, CSS grid-powered responsive design.
Y'all already know this, but @beep has a really lovely website:
“My dad used to tell me, you have two ears and one mouth, so you should listen twice as you speak.”
Too many ideas + no action = brain crack.
I wrote my first article in English thanks @gizraweb for the opportunity
Living in Accra? Take part in a research study on Ghanian Mobile Weather Prediction:
Personalize module
✏ Books, Experiences, and the Edges of the World — some notes on walking, mountains, and book making:
✎ Where to put one-off components? One thing I've proposed to several of my clients is a s…
Rural delivery services via drone in China, hits 20,000 deliveries
RT @pilhofer: Some big news to announce today: @documentcloud and @MuckRock are merging. And, from…
“Are there any trustworthy web-to-snail mail services?” The most useful thing I’ve read today:
Playing around w/ the Drupal 8 Layout Builder to make a landing page w/ upcoming patches …
This little guy is shy. Don't watch him while he's dancing. 😊 playing about with tracking.js
@jonpugh HTTPS is broken on @OpenDevShop
Breaking Out With CSS Grid Layout Explained #aeabos
Some p amazing liveblogging #aeabos from @adactio for two fantastic design systems talks by @una and @yeseniaa:
When development on the feature is complete, the lead (or engineer in charge) should merge changes into master and then make sure the remote branch is deleted.
The value module looks really interesting:
Open-source tool aims to make online course creation accessible to all instructors | Inside Higher Ed #edtech
“Before I joined Amazon, my friends called me Eshay,” Mr. Rangdol said. “Now they call me Amazon.”
First stable release of done! It helps Drupal 7 based service in becoming GDPR compliant. H…
Solving Sol: An open project to implement Sol LeWitt's instructions in JavaScript.
Takami-Jima, the Inland Sea:
Tim Brown's book about typesetting on the web/screens is out and boy is it thorough:
I made a gist for this if you use Things and want to add this to your Touch Bar — Just cop…
There’s so much goodness in this super-duper deep dive from Wait But Why on how to build a career.
“The problem is believing that any single map can ever tell the whole story.”
The Drupal Community Working Group has finalized and adopted a code of ethics for its members:
This piece by @rauchg has aged very well in the last four years...
This piece by @rauchg has aged very well in the last four years...
How to stretch your MacBook Pro’s battery life with one simple app, and my argument for Low Power Mode for macOS:
design is never done: the edition
Thanks @frontkom for bringing #Gutenberg to #Drupal this work is just amazing!
🦊 I wrote about trying to understand what you’re designing or building before you design or build it
If you must run Windows on a Mac, get Magic Utilities.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Welcome to the party @drupal! 🎉
Some excellent AI-related commentary and links from @adactio in this week's @clearleft Clearletter:
I didn't grok #Behat. Learn from my mistakes.
Solid talk by @elliotjaystocks on intentionally pursuing productivity and creativity and sharing progress.
“Digital Nomads Are Not the Future” by @parismarx Interesting analysis. Yes, many digital n…
Shel Silverstein's lovely illustrated allegory for the simple secret of love
Via Negativa – by @azumbrunnen_
Had a nice chat with @zeldman about getting stuff done, writing, speaking, Grid Layout and my new kitten
@rachelandrew Snagit. Snagit everywhere.
New human rights principles on artificial intelligence | OpenGlobalRights , by @sherifea @amnesty
"Google may start disabling Javascript on 2G connections in Chrome when Data Saver is switched on".
measuring the usefulness of Websites: my notes from @zeldman talk at #aeachi
The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct:
introducing "angry driving directions" - yep the map curse at you while you drive by…
This is certainly a heck of a website. Reminds me (in a good way!) of a modern version of the web in 2001:
Your “thread” should have been a blog post…
The Story Behind Japan’s 〒 Postal Logo:
Structured Writing: Rhetoric and Process, new book by @mbakeranalecta #techcomm…
Nested Links Without Nesting Links, by @SaraSoueidan
I just published “Versioning Design Systems” Thanks to @jamesmelzer, @rowanmanning, @bferrua and others!
@Merthh I have the Kensington dock which doesn't suck , and I've heard the CalDigit is as go…
#Drupal 7, 8, and 9: deprecate the old to intake the new
Write to Organize. iA Writer 5.1, a.k.a. the Kraken Release:
RT @beep: i wrote something short about the web on our wrists
Reading macro economic tea leafs.
I enjoy @craigmod’s writing. One of these days, I’d like to do a long walk like the Camino.
@sehurlburt In case you missed it:
A solar-powered website. It goes offline when the sun goes down. I'm so impressed by this and want to build my own.
Reality continues to be written by a malfunctioning Markov algorithm.
PHP Mess Dectector (PHPMD) with #PhpStorm Integration by @regiguren
☆ The Codification of Design
composer config --global repos.packagist composer
Jesuit Editors: It is time for the Kavanaugh nomination to be withdrawn
API-First Drupal: what's new in 8.6? by @wimleers
I just published “Dealing with Dependencies Inside Design Systems”
WTF are the midterms: GREAT new FREE ebook by @RHGreene:
New Media Library in Drupal 8.6 #drupal #drupal8
“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” – Phil Karlton
The @phase2 Particle webpack/design system/pattern lab/drupal/vue/es6/grav project just hit v10.1.0! Check it out:
Really like this tutorial by @Nrg8000 for scraping Geospatial data on @bellingcat More publ…
Being Good at Prioritizing Is More Important Than Working Hard
Blog post: A breakout year for Open Source businesses #opensource
This was a very difficult article to write --> Justice, Reform, and the Future of Saudi Arabia | @BriefOnline
✎ How much documentation to include in a style guide? I talk about how the shape and amou…
Ways of doing more ham than good: Within the communities I engage, the most common is seein…
It is easy to design for addiction, as I wrote here: But this is no long term strategy for…
Webform has found its missing piece.
Wow, it’s a fast website: . Try it out
NASA using Drupal-based workflows:
✎ I wrote about my experience cleaning out a hoarder house.
State of Drupal’s JSON API (October 2018) /cc @wimleers
Enabling "development mode" on a local #Drupal 8 site (thanks @DrupalEasy )
Overcommitting makes you look untrustworthy.
Using Feature Queries in CSS, a post from @jensimmons #webdirections #wds18
@netmag @Malarkey 's example of a debt collecting email is great, personal and without the usual business formality.
Talking about Advanced Webforms and Showing Code #drupal #webform and thanks @ericsod
Wait... perfectionism prevents us from doing our best work? 🤔 Here's why. via @trello
'Tech firms need to build trust with customers,' Zander Lurie CEO of SurveyMonkey at #WebSummit
New Resource: The Business Case for Digital Accessibility
Against software development #rant
If you haven't already, now is the time to make sure your site is running an updated and supported version of PHP!
On exploring organisational culture by @tomcritchlow
"So: writing is of you, but it’s not YOU." Helpful to keep in mind …
“If we are not regularly deeply embarrassed by who we are, the journey to self-knowledge hasn’t begun.”
Becoming data driven requires a cultural shift and a methodology.
The Big List of Naughty Strings (not the kind of naughty you're imagining):
Drupal’s Layout Initiative and component-based theming Great post!
Meet the four new designs available for order on Monday 11/26 at 8:00am PT: (photo: Nik's M…
Open Source has won /cc @rickellis
Appalling news of the death of Raed Fares, a beacon of bravery and decency - read about him and his work here
Black Friday #drush fire sale! 50% off on all plans! Happy holidays.
Creating a Mega Menu using Layout Builder in Drupal 8 I hadn’t thought about using the Drup…
Why large organizations are choosing to contribute to Drupal
Here is your holiday listening:
This excellent article by @mulegirl is at least half of what I was looking for. Excellent analysis 🙌:
We've been a bit quiet about it but we've just released #drupal #gutenberg beta *4* 😎
Blog post: How NBC Sports supports the biggest media events online #drupal #acquia…
This is a smart way to foster collaboration on content work: