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Christian Alden Jacobs
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A saved link is not an endorsement. It's just a thing I read or thought about reading.
Displaying 1101 - 1200 of 3442
So What is Acquia Lift, Anyway? | Acquia
Personalize module
Content Personalisation | PreviousNext
Books, Walks, and the Edge of the World – Craig Mod – Medium
✏ Books, Experiences, and the Edges of the World — some notes on walking, mountains, and book making:
Where to put one-off components? | Brad Frost
✎ Where to put one-off components? One thing I've proposed to several of my clients is a s…
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Rural delivery services via drone in China, hits 20,000 deliveries
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RT @pilhofer: Some big news to announce today: @documentcloud and @MuckRock are merging. And, from…
Are there any trustworthy web-to-snail mail services? - Quora
“Are there any trustworthy web-to-snail mail services?” The most useful thing I’ve read today:
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Playing around w/ the Drupal 8 Layout Builder to make a landing page w/ upcoming patches …
Shy blob - face detection - tracking.js
This little guy is shy. Don't watch him while he's dancing. 😊 playing about with tracking.js
@jonpugh HTTPS is broken on @OpenDevShop
Breaking out with CSS Grid explained
Breaking Out With CSS Grid Layout Explained #aeabos
Adactio: Journal—Why Design Systems Fail by Una Kravets
Some p amazing liveblogging #aeabos from @adactio for two fantastic design systems talks by @una and @yeseniaa:
Git/GitHub branching standards & conventions
When development on the feature is complete, the lead (or engineer in charge) should merge changes into master and then make sure the remote branch is deleted.
Merino Boxer Action
Value module | Simplified Twig template variables for Drupal
The value module looks really interesting:
Open-source tool aims to make online course creation accessible to all instructors
Open-source tool aims to make online course creation accessible to all instructors | Inside Higher Ed #edtech
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“Before I joined Amazon, my friends called me Eshay,” Mr. Rangdol said. “Now they call me Amazon.”
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First stable release of done! It helps Drupal 7 based service in becoming GDPR compliant. H…
Solving Sol
Solving Sol: An open project to implement Sol LeWitt's instructions in JavaScript.
Craig Mod on Instagram: “10/x — Notes from Setonai-kai Inland Sea . 5/7 — Takami Island details . #powerlines”
Takami-Jima, the Inland Sea:
Hilleberg accessories
Stacking the Bricks: How the Blog Broke the Web
The Best Coffee Maker for Camping: Reviews by Wirecutter | A New York Times Company
Snow Peak Titanium French Press
A Book Apart, Flexible Typesetting
Tim Brown's book about typesetting on the web/screens is out and boy is it thorough:
Touch Bar addition: Latest todo in Things · GitHub
I made a gist for this if you use Things and want to add this to your Touch Bar — Just cop…
How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) - Wait But Why
There’s so much goodness in this super-duper deep dive from Wait But Why on how to build a career.
Pole Union™ trekking pole connector from The Theory Works®
Trekking Pole Hitch - Seek Outside
Different US Election Maps Tell ‘Different Versions of the Truth’
“The problem is believing that any single map can ever tell the whole story.”
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The Drupal Community Working Group has finalized and adopted a code of ethics for its members:
Adactio: Notes—July 31st, 2018, 3:26pm
This piece by @rauchg has aged very well in the last four years...
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This piece by @rauchg has aged very well in the last four years...
Explained in 60 Seconds: Segment vs. Persona | OHO Interactive
Low Power Mode on the Mac –
How to stretch your MacBook Pro’s battery life with one simple app, and my argument for Low Power Mode for macOS:
Open Source Marketing Automation: Mautic
design is never done: the edition
Recommend a blazer to buy : Outlier
GitHub - front/drupal-gutenberg: Implementation of Gutenberg as a Drupal text editor.
Thanks @frontkom for bringing #Gutenberg to #Drupal this work is just amazing!
Weft. — Ethan Marcotte
🦊 I wrote about trying to understand what you’re designing or building before you design or build it
Home - Magic Utilities
If you must run Windows on a Mac, get Magic Utilities.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation | susan jean robertson
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Come on in! Drupal is moving to GitLab | GitLab
Welcome to the party @drupal! 🎉
Clearletter from Clearleft — Monster Machine
Some excellent AI-related commentary and links from @adactio in this week's @clearleft Clearletter:
I’ve been using Behat wrong this whole time – Phéna Proxima – Medium
I didn't grok #Behat. Learn from my mistakes.
TYPO Talks » Videos » Now is Always the Wrong Time
Solid talk by @elliotjaystocks on intentionally pursuing productivity and creativity and sharing progress.
Digital Nomads Are Not the Future – Member Feature Stories – Medium
“Digital Nomads Are Not the Future” by @parismarx Interesting analysis. Yes, many digital n…
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O: Shel Silverstein’s Sweet Allegory for the Simple Secret of Love and the Key to Nurturing Relationships – Brain Pickings
Shel Silverstein's lovely illustrated allegory for the simple secret of love
Via Negativa – UX Collective
Via Negativa – by @azumbrunnen_
5by5 | The Big Web Show #177: Pixel Perfect with Rachel Andrew
Had a nice chat with @zeldman about getting stuff done, writing, speaking, Grid Layout and my new kitten
best natural deodorant : Outlier
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@rachelandrew Snagit. Snagit everywhere.
New human rights principles on artificial intelligence | OpenGlobalRights
New human rights principles on artificial intelligence | OpenGlobalRights , by @sherifea @amnesty
Chrome for Android may start disabling JavaScript on 2G connections
"Google may start disabling Javascript on 2G connections in Chrome when Data Saver is switched on".
LukeW | An Event Apart: Content Performance Quotient
measuring the usefulness of Websites: my notes from @zeldman talk at #aeachi
Code of Ethics
The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct:
Back Seat Navigator – Points of interest
introducing "angry driving directions" - yep the map curse at you while you drive by…
TAO TAJIMA | Filmmaker
This is certainly a heck of a website. Reminds me (in a good way!) of a modern version of the web in 2001:
Your “thread” should have been a blog post…
The Story Behind Japan's 〒 Postal Logo | Spoon & Tamago
The Story Behind Japan’s 〒 Postal Logo:
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Structured Writing: Rhetoric and Process, new book by @mbakeranalecta #techcomm…
Nested Links Without Nesting Links — Sara Soueidan – Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer
Nested Links Without Nesting Links, by @SaraSoueidan
Versioning Design Systems – EightShapes – Medium
I just published “Versioning Design Systems” Thanks to @jamesmelzer, @rowanmanning, @bferrua and others!
@Merthh I have the Kensington dock which doesn't suck , and I've heard the CalDigit is as go…
Drupal 7, 8, and 9: deprecate the old to intake the new | matt glaman
#Drupal 7, 8, and 9: deprecate the old to intake the new
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Write to Organize - iA Writer: The Focused Writing App
Write to Organize. iA Writer 5.1, a.k.a. the Kraken Release:
World wide wrist. — Ethan Marcotte
RT @beep: i wrote something short about the web on our wrists
The Makings of a 2020 Recession and Financial Crisis by Nouriel Roubini & Brunello Rosa - Project Syndicate
Reading macro economic tea leafs.
The Walk 'n Talk & the Camino de Santiago — Roden Explorers Archive
I enjoy @craigmod’s writing. One of these days, I’d like to do a long walk like the Camino.
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@sehurlburt In case you missed it:
A solar-powered website. It goes offline when the sun goes down. I'm so impressed by this and want to build my own.
Aggressive Goats Addicted to Human Urine Airlifted Out of Olympic National Park, WA - SnowBrains
Reality continues to be written by a malfunctioning Markov algorithm.
PHP Mess Dectector (PHPMD) with PhpStorm Integration | Drupal
PHP Mess Dectector (PHPMD) with #PhpStorm Integration by @regiguren
The Codification of Design -
☆ The Codification of Design
Packagist HTTP -> HTTPS redirect causes issues · Issue #748 · composer/packagist
composer config --global repos.packagist composer
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Jesuit Editors: It is time for the Kavanaugh nomination to be withdrawn
API-First Drupal: what's new in 8.6? | Wim Leers
API-First Drupal: what's new in 8.6? by @wimleers
Dealing with Dependencies Inside Design Systems – EightShapes – Medium
I just published “Dealing with Dependencies Inside Design Systems”
WTF Are "The Midterms"? – 10 easy steps to change the world on November 6
WTF are the midterms: GREAT new FREE ebook by @RHGreene:
New Media Management Functionality in Drupal 8.6 - WebWash
New Media Library in Drupal 8.6 #drupal #drupal8
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“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” – Phil Karlton
Release v10.1.0 "Carl" · phase2/particle · GitHub
The @phase2 Particle webpack/design system/pattern lab/drupal/vue/es6/grav project just hit v10.1.0! Check it out:
bellingcat - How to Scrape Interactive Geospatial Data - bellingcat
Really like this tutorial by @Nrg8000 for scraping Geospatial data on @bellingcat More publ…
Being Good at Prioritizing Is More Important Than Working Hard - MEL Magazine
Being Good at Prioritizing Is More Important Than Working Hard
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Blog post: A breakout year for Open Source businesses #opensource
Justice, Reform, and the Future of Saudi Arabia - The Brief
This was a very difficult article to write --> Justice, Reform, and the Future of Saudi Arabia | @BriefOnline
How much documentation to include in a style guide? | Brad Frost
✎ How much documentation to include in a style guide? I talk about how the shape and amou…
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Ways of doing more ham than good: Within the communities I engage, the most common is seein…
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It is easy to design for addiction, as I wrote here: But this is no long term strategy for…
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Webform has found its missing piece.
DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 - Where software engineers connect, build their resumes, and grow.
Wow, it’s a fast website: . Try it out
Maestro Workflow Use Case: Nextide Assists NASA’s JPL
NASA using Drupal-based workflows:
Hoarding | Brad Frost
✎ I wrote about my experience cleaning out a hoarder house.
State of JSON API (October 2018) | Wim Leers
State of Drupal’s JSON API (October 2018) /cc @wimleers
Adding action links to pages in Drupal 8 | Open Data
Enabling "development mode" on a local Drupal 8 site | DrupalEasy
Enabling "development mode" on a local #Drupal 8 site (thanks @DrupalEasy )
Overcommitting makes you look untrustworthy.
Using Feature Queries in CSS - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Using Feature Queries in CSS, a post from @jensimmons #webdirections #wds18
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